Why You Will Marry The Wrong Person - Alain De Botton

Google Zeitgeist is a collection of talks by people who are changing the world. Hear entrepreneurs, CEOs, storytellers, scientists, and dreamers share their ...

‘We are not merely on a quest to be happy, we are on a quest to suffer in ways that feel familiar.’

‘You’re not gonna manage to change your type, what you can do is to change how you characteristically respond to your tricky type.’

‘To be in company with another person is to be negotiating imperfection every day.’

– Alain de Botton

Object relations theory, tolerance of ambivalence, and familiarity. In this video, Alain de Botton references psychological theory to discuss the importance of drawing upon self-insight and emotional intelligence as we navigate through our interpersonal relationships.

First blog post. One new video will be added at the start of each month.


Purpose And Fulfilment - Jim Carrey